Personal Routes

On the personal routes page you can:

Predefined personal routes can be used to add a set of favorite route. You can use this feature wherever you can find the button next to the route input field in the whole application.

Step 1 (open screen)

From the User Profile menu, select the Personal Routes screen.

Personal routes main mask.


Step 2 (option: create new)

Click on New to create a new personal routes list. Define the name of your personal routes list and the included routes. For detailed instructions how to create a route see define route.

New personal routes mask


Step 3 (option: view)

To view a personal route, select it from the list and click on View.


Step 4 (option: edit)

Select an personal route and click on Edit.


Step 5 (option: delete)

To delete a personal routes list, select the personal route and click on Delete. The personal route disappears now from the list.

If you want to delete all your personal routes click on Delete All.